Thursday, June 28, 2012

Need a Quick Fix...Fast!

Welcome back! Well, I have found that I am crafting a lot this summer, but not taking a lot of pictures, this will change! So this morning I went to get the baby up and when I got to his room I caught him chewing on his crib. My little guy only has three teeth, two on the bottom and one on top, but boy oh boy did he do some serious damage. I jumped online to look for a bite rail and I realized that the cute ones were way too much ($50-$70) and it was going to take too long to get one made and shipped to me. So I decided to problem solve. Here is what I did. I bought a pool noodle for $1.99 at Target. I made sure to get the small noodle because I didn't want it too thick. Then I cut the tube to the correct length and sliced it open. I bought two yards of fabric and paid about $8 for it. I originally wanted to get some cute chevron print, however I thought more about the room and I decided that wouldn't go with the animal theme. As a result the elephant print won. I cut a piece of fabric that was 56inches x 13inches. I was originally planning on sewing the fabric and sliding the noodle in, but of course my sewing machine decided to bite the dust. GRRRRRRRR.....So all I did was tuck the fabric into the sliced part (temporary fix) then when I purchase a new sewing machine I can sew it . I popped it onto his crib rail and tied some ribbon around it so it stays in place (double knotted of course). That is it! I fixed the problem for $10!!! I think I will use the money I saved for a pedicure ;) Have a great weekend!  Happy crafting! ~Breanne

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