Happy New Year!!! I hope you all had a wonderful time seeing 2011 out and welcoming 2012 in. My night I would not of had any other way. We took the boys out to dinner, came home and put them to bed. After picking up the house we curled up on the couch and watched Crazy Stupid Love (great movie). When that was over it was time to feed the baby again and then there was just 7 minutes until the new year. We toasted in the new year with a drink of water and of course a kiss and then off to bed we went. Even though we stayed up late that does not mean our kiddos were going to sleep in. Sure enough we had a 6am wake up call from Tyson. While at dinner Dallen and I started talking about new years resolutions and what ours are going to be individually, as a couple and as a family. There are so many things to consider. I have so much that I was to accomplish and become better at in 2012, so I thought I would share my goals with all of you that way I am accountable.
Similar to most people I want to be healthier in 2012, I want to lose weight (my last 3lbs of baby weight) and I want to exercise more. But for me just saying that does nothing for me. Let's be honest unless I have a plan I will continue as I am. So I have two big goals I am going to complete in 2012 they are to do 1 tri-athalon (looking for July-ish) and I am going to run 1 half marathon (October-ish). In a few months I will begin training for the triathalon until then to keep me active I have decided to make monthly goals. For the month of January my goal is going to run 10 miles a week. This can be on the road or in the gym. I just need to put in the miles. As of this post (January 1st) I have put in 3.5 miles for this week and I still have 6 days to complete my task. I am excited for this running adventure this month.
In keeping with wanting to be healthier I am going to make it my goal to drink at least 72oz of water a day. I hope to drink more, but I am starting with an amount I think I can obtain. I drink water, just not enough. With my new water bottles I know I will be able to maintain this goal.
Now onto some of my other goals. I would say that I am someone who is always trying to organize different areas of our home. However, I never fully complete the task. So I am going to pick one area of our home and dedicate a month to completely organizing this area of our home. My goal is to complete the organization and live with it for a week and then make any adjustments to that area to make it work more efficiently for our family. I will take before and afters of my organization area and let you all know how it is working. My first area to work on is a mail center. Right now the mail piles up, the filing piles up and it just clutters my office. I am excited for this organizing adventure.
Now for my last resolution. This one is sort of random, but I think it is a good one. I have decided that I am not going to purchase ANY wrapping paper, gift bags, clothing boxes or tissue paper in 2012. After cleaning up from Christmas I realized we have an abundance of all of the above. Now I must apologize ahead of time, I have two boys, no girls, so if you are a friend or loved one who has a daughter she may be getting her birthday gift in a Cars, Monster Truck, or Alien bag. I figure the kiddos want what is on the inside more than what is on the outside anyway.
Now for my blog, I am going to commit to blogging twice a month. In fact I have already planned out my blogs for January. You may just get more than one! :)
There you have it, my goals for January and 2012! Enjoy and have an amazing 2012. I am off to get ready to have our Japanese New Year Lunch/Dinner at my Uncles house. I may just add a few more pounds after all the delicious eating I am about to do! Happy New Year Everyone!
Jealous of all the yummy Japanese food you got to eat! Good luck on all of your resolutions!